Pediocactus hajekii Hochstätter

Adventures Electronic Vol. 35 No 122.132.2023.

Hajek Cactus

Typ: USA, Oregon. Hochstätter fh 19.7 . SRP. For protected no exact locality details.

Endangered. Should be included in Appendix I of the Washington Agreement on the Protection of Endangered Species.

Vorkommen: US, Oregon. Endemic.

Section Pediocactus Hochstätter

Body solitar, globular 4-10 cm long and diameter, flower cream to yellow, grows in volcnaic soil, dominated by low bushes and sparse grassses.

Pediocactus hajekii grows endemically in untouched region in a small population in Oregon.

This species is named in honour of Miloslav Hajek, Tremošná, Czech Republic, specialist in the Cactaceae specifically the genera Pediocactus and Sclerocactus.


Pediocactus hajekii